Gender Equality
in E-Mobility

The gender perspective will be mainstreamed during the implementation of the Project. To this end, a Gender Mainstreaming Plan will be developed for the project which evaluates and establishes actions for each of the project outcomes from a gender perspective.  The National Gender and Climate Change Action Plan (GCCAP) is the framework for gender mainstreaming in the project.
By gender mainstreaming the project aims to:
Promote gender equality through management.
Promote community leadership and commitment by ensuring sufficient representation of women in any public consultation mechanism.
Guarantee equal opportunities, integration and non-discrimination.
Collect and disseminate disaggregated data to capture gender inequalities.
Encourage women's participation in the transport sector. For example, women drivers of vehicles and participation of women in leading roles.
Avoid underrepresentation of women in the transport sector.
Identify opportunities in the infrastructure design and business models developed for the integration of women into the labor force and the reduction of labor and wage gaps, as well as the formalization of workers.
Include mitigation measures for women in the impacts derived from the transition to higher quality fuel.
Integrate the views and vulnerabilities of women informal recyclers.

Training women to drive light electric vehicles.